Google earth 2019
Google earth 2019

google earth 2019

We share a demonstration workflow to extract active river channel masks from a section of the Cagayan River (Luzon, Philippines) then quantify centerline migration rates from multitemporal data. We summarize the big geospatial data flows available to fluvial geomorphologists within the GEE data catalog, focus on approaches to look beyond mapping wet channel extents and instead map the wider riverscape (i.e., water, sediment, vegetation) and its dynamics, and explore the unprecedented spatiotemporal scales over which GEE analyses can be applied.

google earth 2019 google earth 2019

Google Earth Engine (GEE), a cloud-based computing platform for planetary-scale geospatial analyses, offers the opportunity to relieve these spatiotemporal restrictions. Traditional approaches (i.e., desktop computing) have restricted the spatial scales and temporal resolutions of planimetric river channel change analyses. Analysis of multitemporal, multispectral satellite imagery has provided fundamental geomorphic insight into the planimetric form and dynamics of large river systems, but information derived from these applications has largely been used to test existing concepts in fluvial geomorphology, rather than for generating new concepts or theories. Cloud-based computing, access to big geospatial data, and virtualization, whereby users are freed from computational hardware and data management logistics, could revolutionize remote sensing applications in fluvial geomorphology.

Google earth 2019